Surankote is a tehsil in the Poonch district of the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir. It occupies the Surankote valley, located between the Pir Panjal and Rattan Panjal ranges within the Himalayas.
Surankote township is exactly 27 kilometers in the eastern side of Poonch city and 221 kilometers away from winter capital Jammu. The valley comprises 43 villages. The total projected population of the valley is 1.27 lakh (127,000) which includes Paharis, Gujjars, Bakerwals and Kashmiris, and just under (40,000) Dedhars. Twenty-four villages are located at the slope of main Pir Panchal ranges while 19 villages are found on the slopes of Rattan Panchal range. The climatic conditions resemble with that of Kashmir.